
The following are a few Amateur Radio ways to contact me, they are all interconnected so pick your favorite and lets QSO!:

DMR (Brandmeister and TGIF):
Talk Group: 312264

Name/Description: US KV4S
YSF#/DTMF: #21511

Reflector: XRF334R

Cloud Node#: 523800
Local Node#: 47923

Cloud Node: KV4S-R Node#: 37209
Local Node: KV4S-L Node#: 37208

Experimental Reflector: 0091
IRLP List of Experimental Reflectors

HamShack Hotline: 
Desk phone: 4225 
Ring Group (Desk Phone and Mobile devices): 614
RFLink: 94014

Hams Over IP: 
Phone: 100230 
RFLink: 15019

Live Audio:

APRS (not bridged)

Online (not bridged):
Zello: @RussellThomas
Telegram: @RussellThomas

Net Schedule:

I link to Amateur Radio nets and reflectors throughout the day for listening enjoyment. They are local and statewide nets for the most part but can also include SKYWARN information depending on real time events. I do not usually leave the digital bridge connected except for the UAARC net.

  1. Yale ARC each Tuesday evening at 7pm CT.
  2. Alabama Friends Net each Wednesday evening at 8pm CT.
  3. The University of Alabama Amateur Radio Club Net each Thursday at 8pm CT.
  4. Amateur Radio Newline each Saturday at 7:30pm CT.
  5. ARRL Audio News each Sunday at 7:30pm CT.